Romance With a Dose of Sweet Sugar and a Dash of Steamy Spice!

Romance With a Dose of Sweet Sugar and a Dash of Steamy Spice!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

"The Many Faces of Author Denise N. Wheatley" My Interview With Fellow Author Amy Romine

Hello friends, and welcome back to my blog! I recently had a really fun, insightful chat with my author friend Amy Romine, and we discussed a bit of everything. From what famous author I’d choose as my mentor to the best part of my day to how I come up with character names, it’s all here. Keep reading to learn more about me, my writing and my life!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

OWNING YOUR OTHER: The Importance of Women’s Stories, Voices and Careers in Writing

Hello Friends, and welcome back to my blog! I recently had the pleasure of participating in Dr. Charlene Walters’ OWN YOUR OTHER Inspirational Women Series. Charlene and I spoke about a range of topics, from the importance of telling women’s stories to the impact that women writers have on the world. Click the link below to read all about it!