Romance With a Dose of Sweet Sugar and a Dash of Steamy Spice!

Romance With a Dose of Sweet Sugar and a Dash of Steamy Spice!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Let's Celebrate Christmas in July!

Merry Christmas in July, friends! As many of you know, Christmas is my favorite holiday. I start shopping for gifts during the summer, decorating my home way too early, and watching X-Mas movies well before Thanksgiving (all year long, actually...). This slight obsession inspired me to write several holiday novels over the years. From sweet to spicy to suspenseful, the subgenres of each book vary. But one thing remains the same--they all celebrate Christmas. Keep reading to find out more about the books along with a few fun facts! 💓

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Author Mia Heintzelman's THE WEDDING CRUSH is Out Now!

Today is release day Tuesday, and I am thrilled to wish my friend and fellow author, Mia Heintzelman, a very happy pub day! THE WEDDING CRUSH, which is Book 2 in The Fortemani Family series, is out now. Keep reading for deets on the novel, an excerpt, links for where you can purchase it and more!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Fellow Harlequin Intrigue Author K.D. Richards' TWO New Releases!

Hey, friends! I don't know about you, but I am so excited for the first day of summer (June 20). As the new season approaches, I'm wrapping up a proposal for a new book in my West Coast Crime Story series and working on edits in hopes of taking some time off. And, dare I say it, going on a vacation?? Fingers crossed! In the meantime, I'm celebrating the release of not one, but two books written by my sister-in-crime, K.D. Richards. Read on to hear all about these exciting romantic suspense novels, which are a part of her West Investigations miniseries...

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


As the countdown to summer ticks on, I am going to be sharing bonus scenes from ER DOC'S LAS VEGAS REUNION here on my blog. The first is a conversation between my hero, Clark Malone, and his best friend, Leo Graham. This is a heated one as Clark is angry with our heroine, Eva Gordon, who he thinks has reconnected with her ex-fiancé. Keep reading to check it out!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

HOMETOWN HOMICIDE Cover and Blurb Reveal!

Happy April, friends! I hope you are well and enjoying the warmer weather. I love this time of year. For me, springtime means fresh new starts, new possibilities, and endless events/activities. Hopefully it'll lead to a vacation, too, as I've been plugging away on various edits and wrapping up Book 5 in the West Coast Crime Story series! But I digress... Today I am sharing the cover and blurb for Book 4 in the series, HOMETOWN HOMICIDE. Keep reading to check it out!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Springtime Updates!

Happy March, and Happy International Women's Day, friends! I cannot believe that we'll already be "springing forward" on Sunday, March 10th, then celebrating the first official day of spring in 12 days. Where has the time gone?! It feels as if we were just celebrating Christmas and New Year's. Here in Chicago, the Lake Michigan boat tours are in full swing, and we'll be dyeing the river green on Saturday the 16th (I'll be sure to share pics)! 

As for me, keep reading for what I've been up to and what I've got planned in the coming weeks...

Thursday, February 1, 2024

A Dear Reader Letter From Me to You...

Hey friends! Do you enjoy Dear Reader letters? My author friends and I always grapple with whether or not we should include them in our books. Judging by the feedback I've received from readers, they are much appreciated. Whenever I'm starting or ending a series, I love sharing a few tidbits on what inspired the story, the type of research that went into it, etc. Now that I've stepped into the world of medical romance, I felt compelled to include a Dear Reader in ER DOC'S LAS VEGAS REUNION just to give a little insight into how the book came to fruition. Keep reading to check it out!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year & Happy Release Day to Me!

Happy New Year, friends! I hope that you enjoyed your holiday season and have wonderful new goals/dreams set for 2024. I know I have a lot to be grateful for and must take a moment to thank you, the readers, for your continued support as I write these stories that I love. Today I am celebrating the release of ER DOC'S LAS VEGAS REUNION and what's to come this year. Keep reading for more on the book and a bit about what I've got planned...

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Denise's Darling Christmas Sugar Cookie Recipe


Happy holidays, friends! This year, I was invited by Tule Publishing to share one of my favorite Christmas recipes with readers. I chose my "Denise's Darling Christmas Sugar Cookies," which are absolutely delicious. 

Keep reading for more on how I celebrate the holidays with my family, ways that baking influenced my novel LOVE AT THE ICICLE CAFE, and the cookie recipe! 🍪

Friday, December 1, 2023


Can you believe that it's already December? My favorite time of the year has finally arrived! Not only am I celebrating the countdown to Christmas, but I'm also looking forward to the upcoming release of ER DOC'S LAS VEGAS REUNION. Keep reading to check out the cover and blurb!